
I love clear !!
"I wonder if jellyfish dream when they're asleep."

Kanji: クリア
Rōmaji: Kuria
Other Name(s): R-2E-054
Gender: Male
Birthday: February 20
Zodiac Sign: Pisces
Height: 180 cm (5'11")[1]
Occupation: Former α Unit
Bartender at Black Needle
Status: Alive
Theme Song(s): Immer Sie
Lullaby Blue (anime)
Voyage Lucid (CD drama)
Voice Actors
Japanese: Masatomo Nakazawa
English: Greg Ayres
First Appearance
Anime: Data 02: Crack

Clear is a very formal person. He speaks in a very polite manner, often using "desu/desu ka" at the end of his sentences and tagging on the "-san" honorific to everyone he meets. He uses the term "boku" to refer to himself, a form of "I" usually used by younger boys in Japan. Usually, he is extremely cheerful, rarely ever getting angry, and harbors a childish and energetic personality. His actions appear to be quite eccentric and odd (to which Mink, Noiz, Koujaku and Aoba make notes of), most likely because he seems to lack some basic common sense of the world.
Though usually happy, he does have his insecurities. Before his grandfather died, he told Clear never to take off his mask. This leads Clear to believing that Aoba would come to hate him once he sees his face. Clear is also shown to be very emotional and keeps his feelings and personal questions towards others to himself until he reaches his breaking point or becomes visibly angry. He's also very inquisitive about human life, often stumping Aoba when asked what the reason to being alive meant, as well as death.
Clear is known to enjoy singing, as he does it often. He sings what he calls the "Jellyfish Song"- a calm, entrancing serenade that is almost like a lullaby. It's revealed later to not just be a normal song, but also able to counter-attack "Dye Music"'s effects. Aoba often falls asleep to Clear's singing, noting that it's soft and puts his mind at ease, also getting rid of his painful headaches.

Before the main events of the game, Clear served under Toue (his original master) along with his brothers α and α2. They were all designed to sing "Dye Music", a song that could brainwash people into submission, literally dyeing their brains, hence the name. The real name he went by was not a name at all, but a serial number, R-2E-054. He ended up defective and was supposed to be disposed of, but the man in charge of the disposal instead took Clear away. The man (later revealed to be the one Clear called his "grandfather") modified Clear, removed his serial number and kept him a secret from Toue and his associates until his death. He treated Clear like his own son; Toue comments that he must have been a single, lonely man to go through all the trouble of hiding him. After his grandfather's death, Clear began living on his own, often taking long walks around the Old Resident District.

Clear watches Aoba as he sleeps due to his fear that he would not wake up again, like when his grandfather, who passed in his sleep.Clear's favorite food is Aoba's cooking.He began to work as bartender at Black Needle.When being Scrapped, it is shown that the inside of Clear's mind is nothing but a bright, clear sky with a louder, chopped version of Jellyfish Song, accompanied by static playing in the background.

hello i love clear so very much and I hope you are ready to hear why i think this man is perfect !!!
so let me start off by saying that clear is a very important comfort character for me. he makes me happy when i am sad and just thinking about him makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. this man has made me smile so many times that i have lost count ages ago. so too kick this lovemail off let me just say FUCK FUJOSHIS
Dramatical Murder is a very well known mlm yaoi game and while there are very lewd scenes that i like to refer to as fujobait, the game itself has a complicated and interesting plot. The main characters are all fully developed with realistic and relatable pasts/lives. Each "dateable" character has a route with the main character aoba seragaki. my favorite of the routes belongs to my favorite character clear!! Clear's route is very important to me. I have watched it many times and there is so much about it that makes me emotional. From his very first appearance clear was able to steal my heart...
His entrance is so silly, it is impossible not to smile at his shenanigans. like the angel he is.. he literally falls from the sky and proclaims that aoba is his master. clear obviously didn't actually fall from the sky. he has a tendency to sit/walk upon the rooftops with his umbrella. So clear and aoba's next meeting is because clear was singing on the roof. He likes to sing his jellyfish song which has a very important meaning behind it. One of my favorite interactons ever is when clear pulls out his umbrella from his void of a pocket and aoba asks why he carries it around. Clear says he always thought the stars in the sky looked like they were about to fall.

throughout his route clear continues to do strange things. since clear is a robot he lacks common sense when it comes to most things in the world. after being sent to be disposed of for being defective clear's "grandfather" who stole him and modified him kept him a secret from toue. since he spent his whole life in seclusion clear only knows what his grandfather taught him and what he was programmed to understand. this has caused him to become very air headed and touchy feely with people. it has also caused him to be curious about people.. specifically aoba. clear is very protective of him especially since aoba taught him things he never knew he would be able to understand.
since clear's grandfather was keeping him hidden from toue; he gave clear the gasmask to hide his face and told clear to never remove it. the gasmask was clearly to hide his face which was identical to the α and α2 bots but clear believed it was because his face was ugly and different from humans. despite being a robot clear has feelings like a normal person. he has his own insecurities and his own hardships. despite not understanding what certain emotions like love were, aoba taught them to him. i think that is part of the reason why i love clear's route so much. his relationship with aoba and the way it develops over the course of his route just feels so much more real to me than everyone elses. while i enjoy aoba's relationship's with koujaku and noiz i just very much prefer clear over both of them. Their routes are lovely but neither of them have the power to absolutely destroy my heart like clear's. From his first appearance in the common route to his very last words in the good ending clear has made me cry and clench my chest.
every single moment of his route was just one more thing he did to make me fall in love with him. His meaningful words, his beautiful jellyfish song, and his personality in general all make me so unbelievably beyond happy. Evertime i rewatch clear's route my eyes are just in a constant state of crying. everytime he sings his jellyfish song on the rooftop a year after shutting down i bawl my eyes out. Every time he says "I heard your voice, so I came... Aoba-san." my heart explodes.

everytime clear calls aoba's name in the bad ending with eyes full of tears, not wanting to hurt him but being unable to stop my heart shatters. Clear's route will never not be important to me. Even though i am making this lovemail i truly do not know how to explain how important he is to me with words. My illiterate ass can not comprehend the english language enough to thoroughly explain how fucking wonderful clear is. He has done so much for me just by existing and i couldn't thank him enough. I love clear and everything that he is...
hehe now that the sappy part of the lovemail is over let me talk about clear's relationships with the other characters !!

starting off with the most important mr. aoba seragaki!! since clear is a dateable character in dmmd him and aoba are obviously romantically involved. their relationship is so soft and it develops so wonderfully over the course of clear's route. to clear aoba is pretty much his everything. he taught clear things his grandfather couldn't and he allowed clear to understand what it meant to truly love someone. clear is very protective over aoba but not in a creepy borderline unhealthy way. he just wants to keep the person he loves safe. aoba also feels the same way when it comes to clear but since he is just a silly bottom in a yaoi game clear obviously does most of the protecting. but even their relationship in the common route is heartwarming. aoba starts of very weary of clear since he was just some weirdo who called him master at first. so in the common route he gets annoyed with clear's antics every now and then but you can tell he still cares for clear as they become friends in the common route. This relationship eventually develops beautifully during clear's route.

being the lovely lady that she is tae is very accepting of aoba and clear's relationship. since she loves her grandson very much she does everything in her power to make sure clear gets fixed after he shuts down. despite his strangeness tae is not bothered by clear and kindly greets him when he awakens from repairs.

next up is clear's fluffy friend ren!! while they do not have very many interactions together clear still loves ren a whole bunch... or more specifically his fluffiness. Every time clear is seen interacting with ren its almost always clear petting ren and admiring how soft his fur his. These cute little pats are always accompanied by clear saying fuwa fuwa fuwa in the most adorable voice ever. while ren isn't always happy with the constant attention from clear he still lets clear pet him to his hearts desire!

koujaku always found clear to be weird and he was very vocal about it; calling clear the "weird gas mask guy" to aoba. both he and clear are protective of aoba and this eventually causes koujaku to warm up to clear. outside of the game whenever clear and koujaku are drawn together they are always smiling and laughing happily together :)

surprisingly enough clear and noiz are a popular crack ship among the stupid fujoshis who beat their meat to dmmd bad endings. however their first meetings is really funny. noiz breaks into aoba's room and begins to fight with him. If they player picks a certain option clear will come in between them and break up the fight while threatening to hurt noiz for trying to harm aoba. like koujaku noiz thinks clear is a total weirdo. he even goes as far as saying clear's desire of wanting to be friends with everyone was stupid.

last but not least !! like the others mink finds clear to be very weird and thinks his request of being friends is ridiculous. however the two of them have no problem with each other. mink has even graced clear with the nickname "gas mask." outside of the game when ever they are drawn together clear is always enjoying himself while mink accompanies him with his usual poker face, but he still seems to be enjoying himself.